Located on the Okanagan campus of the University of British Columbia, the HVPL is pioneering breakthroughs in Biomedical Engineering. Projects currently being researched include the following:
The Next Generation of Prosthetic Heart Valves
- Bileaflet mechanical heart valves
- Pediatric Heart Valves
- Percutaneous heart valves for the aortic and mitral positions
- Bioprosthetic Heart Valves
Soft Robotics: Developing soft robotic technologies for the design of an active prosthetic heart valve
Atherosclerosis: Assessment of atherosclerotic plaque composition during progression in vivo using optical techniques
Orthotics: The next generation of shoe insoles using cryogel biomaterials
Parkinson’s disease: Design and development of a novel passive hand tremor attenuator
Erectile Dysfunction: The goal of this project is to apply the novel mechanics of soft robotics to a penile implant using a wireless-controlled electrical pump.